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Responsive and Resilient AI for Autonomous Systems Engineering (RAISE) is a NSF National Research Traineeship program in autonomous systems engineering at the University of New Mexico. This $3 million award provides a unique opportunity to advance graduate education, by pioneering convergent research while transforming STEM graduate education to better prepare the next generation of innovators.

RAISE Fellows will participate in research, academic, and professional development activities designed to develop awareness of the human context of AI and autonomous systems and to provide students with tools to embed these contexts into their design process. Students will conduct convergent research in AI and autonomy, and participate in a two-semester, project-based design course on ethics as design for human-centered autonomy. Students will have the opportunity to complete a summer research internship with industry or national laboratory partners. A variety of professional development and networking opportunities will also be provided, including formal triad mentoring, seminar series, workshops, and an annual field day.

The specific goals of RAISE are to:

  • conduct state-of-the-art research in machine learning and autonomous systems,
  • generate graduates who understand the social context of AI and machine learning in autonomy,
  • engage students of all backgrounds in academic environments, and
  • help develop local community and develop workforce pipelines.

Applications are open »